REVION philanthropy
Our adopted charities

Giving is a fundamental part of the Revion culture and we are dedicated to helping build brighter futures for children from low-income families.

Safety and Human Performance
Being a professional pilot is a very demanding role. It links directly to an airline's financial health and passengers' safety.
Human error causes the majority of accidents as technological advancements accelerate. As a result, the need for a Pilot Aptitude Test (PAT) across the dimensions of performance potential, social interaction, and personality traits is undisputed.
Measuring Pilot Potential in Potential Pilots

Our PAT aligns with the latest International Air Transport Association (IATA) guidance material and best practices within aviation.
Before you invest in your pilot training, we assess your aptitude (English language proficiency, basic mental abilities, composite mental abilities, operational abilities, social-interpersonal abilities, and personality traits) to understand your potential success in the training pipeline and whether you are the right fit.
8 Core Competencies for Flight Crew
The eight pilot competencies, developed by industry and ICAO, that every professional pilot, regardless of their role, should develop during training and deploy throughout their professional career are:
Workload management
Leadership and teamwork
Problem-solving and decision making
Aeroplane flight path management - manual
Aeroplane flight path management - automation
Situational awareness and management of information
Application of procedures and compliance with regulations

Do You Have What It Takes?
PAT is to determine whether the abilities and traits necessary to develop those competencies are inherent in your character.
Assessment fees: S$247.53 per candidate.
Note: Our PAT team will send the login details to your email within 24 hours of payment. If you did not receive an email from us, please check your junk/spam mail before contacting us at

What is not tested?It is challenging to determine interpersonal skills in an online assessment, such as how willing you are to help or get on with people. The interviewer will evaluate these areas in group exercises and interviews.
How are individual tests structured?At the start, a short introduction describes exercises or questions, followed by an interactive section in which there will be an explanation in greater detail. There will be a demonstration of the actions you must take (e.g., click or drag and drop). You will need to follow the specific steps outlined to move on to the next part of the instructions. Therefore, you will be clear about what is required and how to do it. You must complete a few example questions or exercises to understand what needs to be done and prepare for the test. After completing the examples, there will be a summary of the essential points regarding the test.
What type of computer do I need?You can use any computer - PC or MAC. You need a stable internet connection, a browser, and a working speakers/headset. It is best to use one of the newer browser versions. For optimal viewing of the online assessment, we recommend setting your screen to a resolution of at least 1024 x 768 pixels.
Do I need any other equipment?Having a calculator or pen and paper for some tests is helpful. The introductory notes will let you know if any other equipment is needed.
Is specific prior knowledge or experience required?No.
What can I do to counter nervousness?Getting nervous does not automatically make you an anxious person. Being nervous relates to a situation - in this case, taking an online assessment. You know that you are expected to perform, but the performance might not be as good as you want. Remind yourself that nervousness is absolutely normal. A certain amount of pre-test nerves has a very positive effect: it channels your attention and mobilises your energy. You will probably feel a little better when you know what to expect.
When should I take the test?If you know that you perform best in the evening or at night, there is no reason why you should not complete the test at that time. The most important thing to remember is to complete the test when you feel well and alert and are not likely to be disturbed. Do not complete the test when you come home from work or school, feel tired, or after doing strenuous exercise.
How long does an online assessment take?You will need to complete ten (10) tests; most tests do not last longer than 15 minutes. It should not take more than 2 hours.
Can I take breaks?Once you have started a test, you cannot interrupt it. Please ensure that you are not disturbed during this period. You do not have to complete it all at once. You will be given a few days to complete all the necessary tests - but please check the deadline for the final submission of the tests. The amount of time you need to complete all the tests is not monitored and does not affect the results.
What do I do if a test suddenly does not respond?In rare cases, technical problems can make the test freeze. For example, if the browser crashes while you are working on the test. However, this is not a catastrophe. Contact us at
How do you know that I completed the online assessment myself?You should be aware that allowing somebody else to complete the tests for you is never permitted. If you receive an invitation to do the online assessment for admission to Revion's programs, you would be automatically excluded from the selection process if this should come to light. Also, re-tests are often carried out at a later stage. Suppose you are invited to the assessment centre after the online assessment. In that case, you may be asked to repeat a module. If you have not completed the test before, as you wanted to inflate your scores with someone else completing it on your behalf, you will struggle to do this at the re-test stage.
How fast do I have to work in order to pass the online assessment?Try to answer the questions quickly but carefully. Avoid making obvious mistakes by not working faster than you did at school or during your studies. Incorrect answers negatively affect the overall results so any avoidable errors can affect the final result to your detriment.
What happens after the online assessment?Suppose you are invited to do the online assessment for admission to Revion's programs. In that case, we will be in touch shortly to inform you about the next steps. If everything goes well, you will be invited to the assessment centre.
Do I get feedback?Each test generates a feedback report that provides a thorough and meaningful explanation of the results. We will make this report available to you via email.